} Download MIDI Kraoke Player Portable Full Version ~ Seputar Multimedia

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Download MIDI Kraoke Player Portable Full Version

Software Midi Karaoke Player Portable kali ini sungguh sangat bagus karena didukung banyanknya fitur sehingga menghasilkan suara musik MIDI yang sangat sempurna.
Sudah ada menu menambah Bass dan Treble juga ada menu untuk menambah Sountfont intinya tidak usah menambah software pendukung seperti CoolSoft VirtualMIDISynth Namun jika ingin menggunakan CoolSoft VirtualMIDISynth,
juga bisa.
Pokoknya otak atik sendiri dijamin puas dengan hadirnya Software Midi Karaoke Player Portable ini sainganya Vanbasco's. Kekurangan Vanbasco's adalah kalau ingin suara lebih dahsyat harus menambah software CoolSoft VirtualMIDISynth dan Soundfont. Namun kalau Software Midi Karaoke Player Portable ini sudah ada menu untuk menambah Soundfont jadi Shobat tinggal download Soundfont untuk merubah suara musik MIDI jadi sempurna. Selain itu kelebihan Software Midi Karaoke Player Portable ini antara musik 1/1 bisa di ganti sesuai selera Shobat.
Untuk merubah settingan klik roda gigi yang ada disebelah kiti atas maka akan keluar tampilan seperti gambar dibawah ini:
 Publisher Description

Soundfont Midi Player is a free software application from the Audio File Players subcategory, part of the Audio &

Multimedia category. The app is currently available in English and it was last updated on 2012-07-30. The program can

SoundFont Midi Player is a powerful midi player and real time midi synth combo, specially useful for Soundblaster

(Live,Audigy,X-fi) users, who can load soundfonts automatically and real time.
Fully configurable Midi in and out ports.
Real time program and bank modification on any midi channel.
Real Time effects on any midi channel.
Mute and solo on any channels.
Variable Tempo and Pitch during playback.
Real time Synth (F1-F8 Function keys for octave change, Right click for note name)
Send Sysex for Synth (GM, GS, XG)
Midi send and receive over Net.
Real time soundfont loading from playlist.
(Place your midi and sf2 file in the same directory with the same name, or postfix your sf2 file with the required bank

eg. mysong.mid mysong.sf2 loads the soundfont to bank 1, but mysong_101.sf2 loads the soundfont to bank 101.)

Soundfont Midi Player (version 1.7) has a file size of 458.75 KB and is available for download from our website. Just click

the green Download button above to start. Until now the program was downloaded 12230 times. We already checked that

the download link to be safe, however for your own protection we recommend that you scan the downloaded software with
your antivirus.

Cara Install:
1. Download Software Midi Karaoke Player Portable yang masih berbentuk rar
2. Extract file hasil download jalankan file mod2midi.exe klik kanan Eun As Administrator.
3. Jalankan file MidiPlayer.exe dan siap digunakan
4. Selamat berkaraoke dengan suara musik MIDI yang super JOOOOZZZZ

Midi Karaoke Player Portable.rar file size: 1.4 MB

CoolSoft VirtualMIDISynth v file size: 1 MB

Soundfont File Size: 14 MB

 Download MIDI Kraoke Player Portable Full Version
